10/24/89 probably requires HyperCard 1.2.2 or higher
This stack is Commentware. If you like it and use it I want to hear feedback from you via one of the methods listed near the end of this field.
DO NOT REMOVE THIS CARD! It is necessary for the stack to fucntion.
Use the POPUP MENU above to see more information on the character. Right now it is named "Notes". This name will change when other information is displayed. See instructions below for functions of buttons in the upper right.
This stack is intended for storing characters for the game Shadowrun when using the Mac as a gamemaster's aid.
Since the character sheet for Shadowrun has more data than can fit in one screenful, this portion of the screen ist used to display several different data sets in alternation.
One necessary trick in doing this is having this card remain permanently in the stack as a source for the text in the headers and titles that get swapped. If there is no card named "master card" containing this information, new cards created by the stack will not get the labels.
The rectangular buttons at the upper right work together to provide a popup character list from which you can pick a name and go to the character's card.
"Find Character" brings up a scrolling list of character names. Click on one to go to that card.
"Find Text" brings up the message box ready for finding any text string in the stack.
"Sort Cards" sorts the cards in the stack alphabetically and updates the list.
"Insert Card" puts a new card immediately after the current card.
"Append Card" puts a new card at the end of the stack.
"Rebuild Index" updates the character list if it gets corrupted for any reason.
"Delete Card" cuts the current card and removes it's entry from the list.
This version does not include reporting beyond the basic capabilities of HyperCard. A companion version includes printing out the complete character sheets using Reports for HyperCard by Activision.
At this point the Selector button gives just a sampling of weapons or spells. Later, when I install a Hierarchical Poup XCMD, it will allow for full lists of items to be inserted by selection.
Also the report generated by Reports is at present incomplete.
This stack is copyright Ed Allen 1989.
The game Shadowrun is copyright FASA Corporation 1989. The name Shadowrun is a trademark of the FASA Corporation.
The original version of the PopUpMenu XFCN used in this stack was created by Andrew Gilmartin of Brown University. Andrew's source code was modifed by Gary Anderson of GAVA, Inc.
Reports is a trademarked product of Activision.
I have produced several other HyperCard stacks oriented towards use as gamemaster's aids for roleplaying and war games. If you want to see others or comment on this one, I can be contacted by phone at 415-848-9495, by mail at 2728 Benvenue Ave. #6 Berkeley, CA 94705, on Compuserve as #72717,2462 and on the Internet as allen@enzyme.berkeley.edu. I am also available for contract HyperCard design and scripting.
Some of the stacks are shareware. Some are available on Compuserve in the games section of the APPHYPER forum and some in the BMUG software library. I will generally mail them out if the person receiving them pays for mailing costs and the cost of the blank disks or send disks and SASE for their return.